The Vices of Sub-Section Chief Shinobu Nakata

The Vices of Sub-Section Chief Shinobu Nakata

Uraura Tachikawa Ouchi Kaeru

Encounter with the unknown: a government employee meets an elf from another world.
Shinobu Nakata, a 32-year-old single man and Sub-Section Chief of the city’s Welfare and Daily Life Division. He is responsible, rational, cold but honest. He is strict with others, but even stricter with himself. One late night, Shinobu returns home to find an elf girl lying in his living room. Seeing this, Shinobu immediately recognizes the dangers that a being from an other world could pose. For example, the elf could be carrying bacteria that has the potential to wipe out humanity. He must act. He considers incinerating her, but this also has the potential to release harmful toxins into the environment. He could freeze her immediately and dispose of her in space, or Antarctica, or maybe, bring her to the Shiretoko Cape and throw her into the Sea of Okhotsk . . . But at that moment, the elf's eyes slowly open . . .


Shinobu Nakata
Shinobu Nakata

The protagonist. A local government employee who serves as the head of the first support division of the welfare and living section of the ward office.


An elf from another world…?

Yoshimitsu Naoki
Yoshimitsu Naoki

Shinobu Nakata's close friend from university, an assistant professor researching wild animals in Japan.

Yuna Ichinose
Yuna Ichinose

A talented subordinate working under Shinobu Nakata.

Chapter 1

Prologue: November 16th (Thursday)

What can be said about Shinobu Nakata?

He's Japanese through and through, and currently a 32-year-old man.

He works as a government employee, and is the head of the First Support Section at the ward office's Welfare and Daily Life Divison.

He's tall and lean, with hair that just brushes his eyes.

He has a trademark scowl that doesn't show a trace of kindness.

Despite his beady eyes, his double eyelids give him a somewhat cute appearance. He lives alone, and has no romantic partner.

When describing Shinobu Nakata, words like honest, cold, serious, righteous, stubborn, rational, empathetic, and responsible, are inadequate to fully describe his true nature.

But if one were to try to sum him up in words, Shinobu is a man that is fiercely loyal to his own beliefs, is quick-witted, and intelligent.

A decade has passed since graduating from university and setting sail into society.

There have been various troubles along the way.

Inside the constraints of society.

there are moments where one has to bow their head.

In order to deal with the bitter and unreasonable treatment from the world.

Shinobu posesses an aggressive rotational force that sweeps everything along its path.

It's Thursday, November 16th. 7:30 a.m.

As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Shinobu Nakata clocks in at the same time every morning after arriving at work.

Never late, never absent, never leaving early; he doesn’t take any personal holidays and always arrives in an immaculate suit.

Even as the personnel department pushes for business casual office attire, he steadfastly arrives in a suit everyday.

This is one of the reasons he is secretly called the Demon King, the reptile, the robot, and sometimes half mockingly, the Sub-Section Chief.


Ah, good morning, Chief Nakata.

Uh, good morning, Chief Nakata.

Oh, good morning, Chief Nakata.

Although office hours begin from 8:30 AM, several young employees have already arrived at the office.

Before Shinobu appears, the office has a friendly atmosphere. Everyone engages in small talk while getting settled in, cleaning their work stations, and organizing documents for the day.

But astonishingly, as soon as Shinobu arrives, all casual chatter ceases immediately. The space turns reticent and reserved, and everyone works in silence.

It is before official hours, so Shinobu doesn’t really mind the casual chattering. In fact, he is quite tolerant of it. This has been the routine ever since he became the Sub-Section Chief.

But, even though he's tolerant, he doesn't exactly encourage the workers to engage in small talk either.

Without saying anything, Shinobu walks straight to the Division Chief’s desk.

Good morning, Chief.

Ah, 'morning.

Shinobu has never felt any value in mere formalities.

Arriving at work precisely an hour before work officially starts is intended for him to prepare and handle any unexpected calls. It had nothing to do with trying to one-up his boss, or to keep track of who comes in late.

Shinobu, I'm counting on you today as well.

You got it.

The chief, who understands Shinobu well, keeps the conversation brief on purpose.

Noting that there is no special notices for the day, Shinobu turns on his heel and heads to his desk.

Seizing the moment of his absence, most of the young staff escape the office space to begin their day's tasks elsewhere.

It is what it is.

The atmosphere around Shinobu is so toxic, he can feel his life force slowly being drained out of him. If he could minimize his time in the office, he would.

Good morning, Mr. Nakata.

Morning, Ms. Ichinose.

Amidst all of this, one young woman stands out. She is tall, and has striking, round, cat-like eyes.

Her glossy black hair, styled up for ease during work, shone under the bright office lights.

In her rib-knit sweater and slim pants, confidence and allure radiates from her poised posture.

Yuna Ichinose, 26, is a member of the Welfare and Daily Life Division.

With a serene smile, she offers him a steaming mug of coffee.

I appreciate it, but you don't need to make coffee for me.

It's just a token of my gratitude for all you do, Mr. Nakata.

Times have changed. I've told you that before.

Times and traditions don't matter. If I can get your attention for as little as a cup of coffee, I'll brew it for you everyday!

Is that so?

Yes. Perhaps I'm just being selfish, but won't you at least take a sip?

. . . Alright. Thank you.

Yuna's eyes sparkle, while Shinobu's are dull and lifeless.

In the past, many juniors have tried—and failed—to establish a morning coffee ritual with Shinobu, now keeping their distance unless absolutely necessary for work. Yuna, however, had managed to skillfully navigate through Shinobu's daunting presence and succeeded in making morning coffee a daily event.

Because of Yuna's success in this area, the new staff looked up to her and strove to match her dedication to create a harmonious atmosphere in the section.

Of course, Shinobu's demeanor isn't the result of any sinister calculation on his part. In Shinobu's honor, it should be added that the success of this outcome was mostly due to Yuna's persistence and effort.


The Welfare and Daily Life Divison handles all matters related to the local welfare assistance program in the city.

Shinobu leads the First Support Team, consisting of case workers like Yuna, who directly support and guide households in achieving economic and social independence, as well as achieving independent living for people living with disabilities.

The work is naturally demanding, with about half the staff rushing off to meetings with welfare recipients after a brief morning assembly, and the rest bustling with paperwork each day.

However, it's somewhat unusual that no casual conversation or even necessary business talk can be heard in the office.

Of course, the main reason for this, is none other than the head of the First Support Division . . . our very own Shinobu Nakata.

While he's not overly strict with others, he is exceedingly so with himself.

When he is working, Shinobu's concentration is nothing short of phenomenal.

Yet, if his colleagues or subordinates need him, he readily offers solutions, ranging from standard procedures to unconventional approaches to solve their problems.

However, given his intense focus, few dare to approach him during these moments.

Even Yuna avoids disturbing him, unless absolutely necessary.

In short, initiating a conversation with Shinobu is a rare event within the First Support Section and, by extension, the entire Welfare and Daily Living Division. On the occasional instance it occurs, it draws the attention of every member of staff.

Uh, excuse me, Chief Nakata.

Today's protagonist is Akane Horiuchi, age 22, the youngest member of the First Support Section.

She is a petite girl with a stooped posture, curly short hair, and a soft demeanor that makes her seem rather timid.

Akane, who seems to have kindness as her only virtue, stands before Shinobu with a troubled expression.

What's the matter, Ms. Horiuchi?

Could you please check these documents?

Akane hands over a stack of documents about fifty pages thick.

The first page relates to the reapplication for welfare benefits.

Did you also prepare the inoperable medical detail receipts?

. . .

Without answering and still looking down, Akane watches as Shinobu pushes the documents back without flipping through a single page.

I've taken action on this matter myself and have decided that termination is appropriate. I must have told you directly, and several times, not to reissue to Number 174.

Why . . . why is that?

Akane asks, barely squeezing the words out.

The surrounding staff has subtly stopped their work, and are now watching the interaction between the two unfold.

I have identified fraudulent claims. Is there a need for any other reason?

There is almost no emotion in Shinobu’s tone, not even a hint of coldness or sharpness.

Continue reading on NOVELOUS

Book details

Title The Vices of Sub-Section Chief Shinobu Nakata
Author Uraura Tachikawa
Art Work Ouchi Kaeru
Genre Workplace
Publisher Shogakukan
Label GAGAGA bunko